Use Outlook PST File Merger to Merge Multiple PST Files

We all know that handling PST files can be a daunting task if not managed properly and also increase the chances of losing the data. There are two ways to merge PST files that are, the manual method which is a challenging task and automated tool that is a more reliable way. This blog entails the detail on how to carry out a safe and direct merging process by using a professional Outlook PST File Merger. We will also discuss the manual steps to merge PST files and warn our readers to opt for a professional tool rather than using the manual approach.


A Guide on How to Merge Outlook PST Files By Using the Manual Method


Create a New PST File


  • Run Outlook on your system.
  • Click on the ‘New Item’ > More Items > PST Data File.
  • Then, move the files to the location and save it.
  • Click on the ‘OK’ tab.


Export Files to a New PST File


  • Open Outlook on your system.
  • Go to the ‘File’ tab.
  • From the ‘Import’ option, click on the ‘Next’ option.
  • From the Export and Import tab, opt for the PST files that you want to merge.
  • Click on the ‘Next’ option.
  • Move the Outlook PST file and store the data at the desired location.
  • Click on the ‘Next’ option and choose the files that you want to transfer to the new Outlook PST file.
  • Click on the ‘Finish’ tab.


Use Outlook PST File Merger to Merge Multiple PST Files


Merge PST Files Directly By Using KDETools PST Merger Tool


KDETools PST Merger tool is a safe and professional tool to merge multiple PST files into one. The software permits the users to merge their entire PST mailbox such as Tasks, Folders, Calendars, Emails, Notes, Subfolders, Contacts, and etc. without damaging or corrupting any file. The powerful software has advanced features that make it convenient for the user to merge multiple PST files in just a few minutes. The software has the ‘Preview’ option that enables the user to get a free preview of the selected files before merging the files. The user can opt for a demo version to see the performance of the tool to check the features and working of the tool for free. The user should avoid taking the risk by merging files using the manual way instead they should choose a safe tool to merge Outlook PST files.


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