Story of 24 Hour Bumper Sticker Printing Atlanta

It is virtually impossible to enter America’s roadways without encountering a bumper sticker on nearby car bumpers or back windows. The 24 hour printing industry has provided the nation with a new past-time, allowing people to accessorize their personal vehicles in unique and creative ways. What other form of media provides provocation, reflection or laughter, more often than the short phrases provided from 24 hour printing Atlanta? From messages of organizational support to political causes and humor, stickers add to the often mundane driving experience.


The story of the bumper sticker begins in the 1930’s. A screen printer by the name of Forest P. Gill had a moment of enlightenment that changed the world. Often dubbed “the father of bumper stickers,” Gill began to attach cloth messages to the bumpers of automobiles using pieces of wire. The potentials were immediately realized and soon, Gill replaced his wire attachment system with a process using an adhesive backing, and the first sticker printing business was born.


The idea of relaying messages to a wide audience through mobile means was not new; however, printing created a highly convenient, less expensive, and larger capacity for expressing messages. Politicians, businesses, and many others soon began to make use of stickers to profess ideas and information. Harry Truman was the first presidential candidate to make use of stickers as a means of campaigning. Since the 1948 presidential election, in which Truman was the victor, stickers have become a regular player in political campaigns. Bumper stickers provide campaign slogans, such as Dwight Eisenhower’s “I like Ike” or John Edward’s “There are Two Americas” are the perfect vehicles for entering the public eye. During a highly contested campaign season, it’s easier to find a car without a campaign sticker.


In addition to political candidates, ideologies ranging a wide spectrum of topics are delivered with 24 hour printing atlanta. The plight of whales, rain forests, and other environmental concerns are displayed regularly. Hot topic issues such as abortion and immigration reform entrench drivers in roadway bates as heated messages are silently exchanged. Even religion is not exempt from this warfare of words and phrases. Stickers have provided an outlet for people to express their beliefs and ideas in a nonviolent fashion.


24 hour printing has had a major impact on the exposure that nonprofit organizations, and similar causes, receive. Cancer awareness, children’s hospitals, and military troop support organizations are popular among the many topics that inhabit this category of sticker. This exposure that 24 hour printing provides to such causes help save lives and create a better quality of living for many. This well intentioned use of stickers should be always applauded.


Humor is a regular topic in sticker printing as well. Although sometimes controversial or shocking, humorous bumper stickers are popular amongst most people. Throughout the years, 24 hour printing has shown us that honor students get beaten, “poop’s” big brother happens, and many people have another car that is a Porsche. The musings of comedians are also found on these implements of hilarity, providing welcome distraction the rush hour grind.


In numerous ways, sticker printing has been a boon for American drivers and industry. The expression of ideas creates a more contemplative environment. Stickers allowed driver’s to exercise their freedom of speech, and present opinions in a nonviolent way. Attention drawn to worthy organizations that provide aid to those in need, should always be welcome, and when smiles are in short supply, sticker printing helps meet the demand.


John Fischer founded Sticker Giant in 2000 to serve as a clearinghouse for the first amendment. In 2006 Sticker Giant began 24 hour printing Atlanta for businesses large and small. John has a passion for stickers and thinks freedom of expression is a fundamental right.

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