Parenthood means there are a lot of things to carry that offer functionality on the go. And seeing the rise in baby carriers for newborns, a massive pool of products have expected a growth that has given the modern parents a myriad of choices and styles.
Why purchase a babywearing wrap?
First of all, it is a great practice for keeping your little one happy and helps in building a stronger bond. They allow you to keep your baby closer and perform tasks with your hands-free. So, the ability to hold and bond with the baby while getting things done makes a baby carrier a must-have for a newborn.
Though babywearing gear has been around for centuries, now the designers have presented more styles than ever before. With the customs, the comfort level has also improved. The basic type of best baby wraps are slings, wraps, mei-Tai, structured, and framed backpacks. With plenty of options available offline and online, the most popular type has been the “wrap.”
Why are “wraps” the best baby carriers for a newborn?
Their style is a long fabric piece that wraps around you and your baby. Then the loose ends are tied to create a cozy place for the little one. And yes, the best part about babywearing wraps are comfortable, easy to clean, promotes digestion, and reduces crying.
How to wear baby wraps safely?
No matter what your little one’s age is, it is very much essential to follow the safe practices while wearing your baby in the carrier. Most of the infants are susceptible to airway compromise as they don’t have much control over their neck and head. Make sure to follow this wrap babywearing acronym “T.I.C.K.S.” that has been suggested by a U.K. based school.
Here is a brief on the T.I.C.K.S. rule:
- T stands for “Keeping it tight.”
Usually, it should be tight enough to hug your baby close to you as it maintains the comfort level. Any slack or loose fabric can make your baby slump down in the carrier and can impact his breathing.
- I stands for “In view at all times.”
You should be able to see your baby’s face by looking down. It means that the fabric should not be that close to the baby, so you have to open it to check on them. The perfect cradle position has the baby’s face upwards, not towards your body.
- C says, “Close enough to kiss.”
Your little one’s head should be as close to your chin, so you can comfortably kiss him by tipping your head forward.
- K depicts, “Keeping chin off the chest.”
Your baby should never be curled in the babywearing the wrap as it will force his chin to be in the chest and can somehow impact his breathing. Make sure that there is always enough space of at least two fingers under your baby’s chin.
- S stands for “Supported back.”
In an upright baby carrier for newborn, ensure that the little one is held comfortably close to the wearer so that his back is supported in the natural position.
With so many options for babywearing wraps on the market, it can be a bit difficult to know where to start and how to narrow down the best ones. Make sure to pick a versatile, simple, comfortable, and supportive option. So, here’s to a long-lasting baby carrier for your newborn to keep him calm and relaxed.