Path of Exile 3.8 Blight: Skeleton Warrior Build – Necromancer Witch

Greatings Exile! Today’s PoE 3.8 Build is Skeleton Warrior Build – Necromancer Witch. You can read this article which was posted by MmoGah, where you can buy Cheap PoE Currency. Or watch the original video to learn more details.


Look for these stats on rare PoE Items:

-Minion Damage

-Minion Duration

-Maximum Life


-Elemental Resistances


Body Armour & Helmet

-+1 Skeleton

-+1 Zombie

-Maximum Life

-Some Resistance


You need 1 rare Unset Ring for this build. Try to get some dexterity in it.

Mandatory Uniques

Queen’s Escape 

-Grants up to 200% increased minion duration, 40% increased minion damage, 100% increased minion movement speed.

-It also grants +1 Skeleton, +1 Spectre and +1 Zombie.

Alberon’s Warpath 

-Mainly because it grants 1 extra skeleton and it’s pretty cheap.

-It also gives 20% increased movement speed.

Recommended Flasks

-Divine Life Flask

-Quicksilver Flask

-Basalt Flask

-Rumi’s Concoction

My Gameplay Gear

Recommended Enchantments

Of Reflection Skeleton Damage Movement Speed
-Creates a clone of you that attacks with your weapon. Good for not taking all the damage. -Skeletons have 40% increased damage. -10% increased movement speed if you haven’t been hit recently.


Death Attunement
-It saves you 7 passive skill points.

-It’s not expensive to get.

Full Build Attribute Requirements

Strength 111 Dexterity 155 Intelligence 155
-Super easy to acquire, just with your Passive Tree. -Hard to acquire, look for Dex on your rare items. -Super easy to acquire, just with your Passive Tree.


-First of all, I’d like to HIGHLY recommend that you use Vaal Summon Skeletons.

-Vaal gem skills also grants the regular skill. Vaal Summon Skeleton is an awesome addition to your army.

-Start Forming a 4L with Minion Damage, Brutality and Melee Physical Damage.

-Empower if 5L and Ruthless if 6L.

-Raise Zombie for having up to 12 Zombies with 30k+ Life as Bodyguards.

-They also do a lot of damage themselves, maim enemies for more physical damage taken and trigger Feeding Frenzy for more damage to all your minions.

-Carrion Golem grants a physical damage buff for your minions.

-We’re also using Carnage and Host Chieftains for this build, they grant Frenzy and Power Charges for you and your minions.

-You just need to go to “The Old Fields” in Act 2 and “The Ashen Fields” in Act 7. Cast Desecrate until you find the right corpses (Carnage Chieftain in Act 2 and Host Chieftain in Act 7)

-Then raise them as spectres, 2 of each.

-Now, as soon as you reach maps you can also replace 1 of your Host Chieftains for 1 Merveil’s Retainer that curses enemies with Vulnerability for extra physical damage taken.

-Unfortunately it’s not as easy to find as the other spectres.

-In order to get 1 Merveil’s Retainer you need to first get a map with “Area is inhabited by Sea Witches and Their Spawn”

-Then when you access the map you can cast Desecrate until you get your Merveil’s Retainer corpse to raise as a spectre.

-Remember that you’ll end with 5 Spectres and they must be: 2 × Carnage Chieftain, 2 × Host Chieftain and 1 × Merveil’s Retainer

-Storm Burst is a Channeling skill that will help you to easily cast Desecrate and consume corpses for giving your minions the Flesh Offering buff.

-You can use any other Channeling Spell.

-Vaal Haste is a temporary aura that grants a huge amount of attack speed, use it on bosses.

-Convocation brings your zombies and spectres to your side, it’s very useful for clearing and for emergencies.

-Haste is an aura that grants extra attack and movement speed.

-Flame Dash is a great movement skill.

-Skitterbots will keep shocking and chilling your enemies for extra Damage and Survivability.




Look for these Stats on Rare Jewels:

-Minion Damage

-Maximum Life



-Cast Speed

Abyss Jewel


Tips for Easy Level (beginner friendly)

-Start with Freezing Pulse until lvl 4.

-Get your Summon Raging Spirit when reach lvl 4 and use the recommended Leveling Items until lvl 38, when you are going to start using Skeletons.

Leveling Setup of Links

-From 1 to 4 use Freezing Pulse.

-Reaching lvl 4 your main skill is going to be Summon Raging Spirit.

-When reaching lvl 8 you can support with Added Fire Damage, Minion Damage and Melee Splash.

-Reaching lvl 18 change Added Fire Damage for Melee Physical Damage.

-Use this setup until lvl 38 when you’ll equip your Queen’s Escape and start using Skeletons.

-Now that we already know our Main skill until lvl 49, let’s talk about Secondary skills that will also help a lot.

-Starting with Raise Zombie, those bad boys are going to be your loyal bodyguards.

-You can start using at lvl 1.

-Lvl 8 support it by Minion Damage.

-Lvl 18 support it by Minion Life and Melee Physical Damage.

-As soon as you start using Skeletons replace Minion Life and Melee Physical Damage with Feeding Frenzy and Maim.

-Another useful secondary skill that ends up being the Main Skill on end game, the Summon Skeletons.

-But now they are here as a useful Totem to cast when facing bosses.

-You can start using at lvl 10.

-Support it with Spell Totem and Minion Damage.

-Now at lvl 18 add Melee Physical Damage.

-At lvl 10 you can also use a Vaal Summon Skeletons Setup to destroy bosses, supported by Minion Damage.

-At lvl 18 include Minion Life and Melee Physical Damage.

-It’s in a different setup because we don’t want to use it as a totem, and it’s good because you can start leveling your Vaal Summon Skeletons.

-At lvl 38 you can buy a Queen’s Escape and change your main skill to Summon Skeletons, Brutality and Melee Physical Damage.

-While you upgrade your gear, you can add more support gems until you get the complete setup.

-Summon Skeletons-Minion Damage-Brutality-Melee Physical Damage-Empower-Ruthless.


-You can start using Clarity at level 10 for more mana regeneration.

-Reaching level 16 start using Summon Skitterbots for more damage and survivability.

-Reaching level 60, remove Clarity and activate Haste instead.

Recommended Items

-Gloom Circle Two-Stone Ring


-Atziri’s Foible

-Lochtonial Caress


-Tabula Rasa


-String of Servitude

-Mark of the Red Covenant


-Earendel’s Embrace

This is the ending of this build. You can see more useful PoE Builds at the Best Gaming Store MmoGah, and you can also buy Exalted Orb and Chaos Orb safely here.

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