If you are going through a sleep apnea problem, then there are chances that your doctor may give you a CPAP machine as a treatment form. CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure, that helps people with sleep apnea problem more easily and regularly every night while they are sleeping. When you inhale a CPAP machine increases the air pressure in your throat that prevent your airway from collapsing and also snoring decreases. The machine has a small tank of water and a filter that works as a humidifier. The unit to a mask is connected with a tube which you place over your face while you sleep and a chin strap keeps it in place.
There are three types of CPAP machines-
• A nasal CPAP mask that goes over your nose
• A nasal pillow CPAP mask that fits under your nose
• A full CPAP mask that covers your mouth and nose
There are two main kinds among those three types of machines-
• Full face CPAP mask that go over your eyes as well
• Nose CPAP masks with prongs that go into your nose
When you have a problem of sleep apnea, you can stop breathing when your airways closed or get blocked, briefly up to 30 times or more an hour. A CPAP machine pushes air into them to keep them open. The machine consists of a pump that controls the airflow, a tube that carries the air to you from the machine and a mask that goes over your mouth or nose or both. The CPAP mask will probably take some time to get comfortable, if you have never slept wearing something on your face.
Benefits of CPAP machine:
• Non-surgical treatment
• Reduces daytime sleepiness with use overtime
• Lowers blood pressure
• Reduces heart problems for who have heart diseases
However, some side effects are also considered with using CPAP machines that include sore throat, dry nose, increased dreaming and nightmares, sneezing, irritation on the skin and in the eyes, nasal congestion and abdominal bloating. The condition can have serious and sometimes fatal complications if you don’t treat sleep apnea, which could lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, depression and diabetes.
Auto CPAP machine is an automatic measuring and adjusting machine, which is set within a high and low pressure range for the need of varying inhalation. There are many online stores that provide Auto CPAP machines in Australia with a wide range of products from which you can chose the best suitable for you.
Some top rated CPAP distributers in Brisbane are-
• CPAP Australia
• CPAP Direct Ipswich
• CPAP Direct Brisbane
• CPAP Direct Upper Mt. Gravatt
View source:https://www.apsense.com/article/get-a-comfortable-sleep-with-auto-cpap-machine.html