Top Tips To Choose Pool Tiles

Do you want to feel the real touch of luxury during pool time? If so, then you must enrich the look of your swimming pool with some unique pool tiles. Mosaic tile images with vast columns and arches were very common in ancient Roman culture. Inspiring from that luxurious art, many people now add the best tiles to their pools. The two common types of pool tiles are glass mosaic and ceramic mosaic.

Ceramic mosaic tiles have stood the test of time and they work well with the shell of the pool. However, choosing the right type of pool tile for a swimming pool needs a careful understanding of many factors.

In this post, we are sharing some top and essential tips for choosing pool tiles.

  • Size

Choosing the right size of tiles according to the length of your swimming pool is very important. Normally, people do not choose tile bigger than 100mm for their pool. This is because tiles bigger than this size makes the look less attractive due to the curved bottom of the pools. The most commonly used tile sizes are 20mm to 58mm.

  • Color

The most commonly used color for swimming pool tiles is blue. Blue colored tiles are available in many different shades. If you want to give your pool water a light blue color look then choose white tiles. Other commonly used pool tile colors are black, charcoal, and aqua. Many people these days also like to give their pool green look as well.

  • Shape

Traditionally, square-shaped tiles were mostly used in the swimming pools. However, from the past few years, the trend has shifted towards rectangular tiles. Pools tiles need to be supplied in a sheet format as it helps in their easy installation. If you want to stick to the trend, then choose rectangular tiles.

  • Trends

The latest trend in the pool tiles industry is the use of mosaic blends. These mosaic blend tiles are made with a combination of three different colored tiles. Some tiles are designed as the white crystal pearl blend and others give dramatic look like the Cuban. Just stick to the latest trends to make your swimming pool look utterly stylish and attractive.

  • Quality

Quality is always the main and most essential factor while buying any item. You have to buy high-quality swimming pool tiles from a reliable and well-recognized seller. Pool tiles are something that you cannot change every year. Once fixed in the pool then they are going to last for many years to come. Therefore, it is highly necessary to buy only the best quality tiles for your swimming pool.

On the Ending Note

If you want to give your swimming pool the best and highly attractive look then follow these tips. You should look and check every pool tile carefully before buying to ensure the high-quality. Pool tiles come in many different designs so you will get many options in the market.

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