Bleeding Hemorrhoids – Who Can Get Internal Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids also known as Piles can happen to anyone  Hemorrhoids Horror Healed Review     but some people are more at risk than others. If you become more aware of the risks you can help avoid getting hemorrhoids or if you already have them, you can help avoid making them any worse.Internal hemorrhoids are more of a risk than external ones because they are harder to diagnose and you may not be aware that you have one for quite some time. They are more bothersome and can be life threatening at the most. Some people are likely to more a risk because of their type of lifestyle, their job, their eating habits and health condition. By knowing these risk factors you can prevent getting hemorrhoids.

A common reason for developing internal hemorrhoids is due to having constipation. When you are constipated, you are placing more strain on your bowels when passing stools. This pressure has a negative affect on the veins in the inner lining of your rectum, which can become irritated. The stools you pass are also more dry and harder, which places additional pressure against these veins. If these veins become too irritated, they can become inflamed and start to swell up, this essentially is how a haemorrhoid is formed.

Women are more at risk of getting hemorrhoids during pregnancy due to the additional pressure being applied by the weight of the growing baby in the womb. As the baby increases in size, a greater force is being applied against the lower parts of the body, in addition to the bodies changing hormones as well as constipation during this time, the chances of getting internal hemorrhoids is far greater. Some women maybe unaware of such hemorrhoids up until or during the birthing process when a hemorrhoid may appear.

People that eat a lot of food that has processed sugars such as junk food are at high risk of getting hemorrhoids. The high quantity of sugar and fat in these foods means there is very little fibre to keep your bowel movements regular. Your stools won’t be as soft as they should be to help passing them easier, your veins would need to work harder and therefore would be more susceptible to inflammation. By eating a healthier diet that is high in fibre, you can lower the risk of developing internal hemorrhoids.

Fruits and Vegetables
Prevention is the best hemorrhoids home remedy! Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Not only will these provide more fiber, but they will make your body healthier which is the best and most natural way to fight off any medical problem. Increased fiber will eliminate constipation.

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