immunotherapy Singapore

immunotherapy Singapore  is an allergic immune response that can be caused by inhaled allergens in sensitized individuals. This condition affects at least 20% of the westernized population with a rising trend of increasing prevalence [1]. In Canada, AR is estimated to affect about 20 to 25% of the population, and more than half of these individuals are not well controlled on conventional symptomatic medications.

Sublingual immunotherapy   is a method of treating allergies by desensitizing individuals to allergens over time, in many cases with the goal that they be cured of their allergies. Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is similar to subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT), commonly known as allergy shots. In principle, patients are given small doses of allergens in order to train the body not to react to them. Unlike allergy shots, SLIT, is a solution of allergen extracts, often called allergy drops, that is placed under the tongue.

The antigen in the solution interacts with the immune system to decrease the allergic individuals sensitivity over time. Although the full course of treatment can last years, many patients report improvement in their symptoms after just a few months.

immunotherapy Singapore , SLIT takes advantage of the tolerance of the oral mucosa, the mucous membrane of the mouth, to non-pathogenic antigens. When antigens are placed under the tongue, immune cells, called dendritic cells, move them to lymphoid tissues and an immune response occurs. By creating immune tolerance to these antigens, the process alters the allergic response.

One of the benefits of SLIT is that the sublingual mucosa, the membrane lining under the tongue, where the antigen is placed, has few pro-inflammatory cells, making an allergic reaction far less likely than when the allergen is encountered in the environment or even through injections. Early in treatment, sublingual dendritic cells secrete IL-10, which causes T-cells to inhibit the inflammatory response. Over time, sublingual immunotherapy decreases IgE production and the overall allergic response.


Mostly due to the fact that the FDA has not yet approved the existing antigen extract for sublingual immunotherapy use, there are some hurdles to obtaining SLIT. First, although it is well within a doctor’s rights to use medications and products outside of the bounds of what they were tested to do (a practice that is very often put into use), many physicians are uncomfortable prescribing the treatment for their patients until the FDA gives its stamp of approval.

Allergy Partners of North Sublingual immunotherapy   such allergist is Dr. Spencer Atwater, Jr. of Allergy Partners of Western North Carolina. When asked for an allergist’s perspective on SLIT, he responded that SLIT represents a new and exciting treatment for people with allergic disease, but added that he has concerns for patients who are interested in the therapy now.

Insurance does not reimburse for the treatment, and it can cost anywhere from thirty to one hundred fifty dollars a month. In addition, Dr. Atwater points out that most of the European studies were conducted with a single allergen and that when multiple allergens are mixed together the response is not always as effective. “Before I would treat patients with SLIT, I would want to be sure that the treatment is both cost effective and medically effective.” He adds that of the fifty-nine allergists in his group, not one currently offers SLIT, though they have discussed the possibility.

Not all Sublingual immunotherapy   Dr. Atwater’s view, however. Dr. Kingsley Chin of Atlanta’s Piedmont Ear, Nose, Throat & Related Allergy, which offers SLIT, has a lot of good things to say about the treatment. The real advantage of SLIT is that it is more convenient than traditional allergy shots, easy to do, safer, and most of the time cheaper.

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