Vanilla WoW Gold Farming Guide

This is a real player Punkrat’s video strategy. It goes over the basics of making enough vanilla wow gold to thrive during the launch of a fresh vanilla server. If you have much gold vanilla wow, it will make smooth progress of your game.

Choosing the Gathering Profession

At first, you are a fresh character, and you should choose gathering profession: Mining, Herbalism or Skinning. As you level up, you need to focus on gathering and farming, otherwise you will be running with foot to level 60 basically, which will lower your wow classic power leveling speed and set you back in terms of travel time.

In general at max level, you need about 100 classic wow gold at level 40 for your first basic riding skill and basic riding mount. 100 Gold is a lot in vanilla standards, especially on a fresh server, so need a couple of tricks to attain it.

Buying and selling on the auction house
When you scan the auction house and look for good deals early on the server, many items provide the same type of opportunity, and you will be thankful in the end. In general, one of the most lucrative ways to make gold in wow is playing the markets.
If you have good intuition and the right personality for taking risks, and the keen understanding of economics of trading, vanilla wow gold farming’s best way is buying and selling with add-ons.

Farming Black Lotus
In vanilla, you can make all the money, and you need sit in the main city on level 1 to control the markets, so another really interesting way to farm wow classic gold is that farming specific areas or specific note spawns of Black Lotus, so Black Lotus is an extremely lucrative herb to farm, especially during the early days of vanilla.

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