Incineration – The Most Reliable Waste Management Technique

With the increase in population on earth, humans are suffering from many problems. One of the biggest problems is the increase in the production of waste. Waste is increasing day by day. Waste can be in solid, liquid or gaseous form, but the question is how to dispose of the waste so that it causes less harm to the environment. There are many types of waste treatment techniques. Waste can either be reduced, recycled or reused. There are different methods of treatment for different forms of waste. 

One of the waste treatment methods, which have emerged in developed countries, is Incineration. In this process, the large amount of waste is converted into ash, heat and flue gas. These ashes are further dumped into landfills. The flue gas is filtered before releasing into the air. The heat produced during the process can be used for generation of electricity. There are many types of wastes, like household waste, industrial waste, medical waste, etc. It is important to treat the waste properly, a whether it is hazardous waste or animal waste.

In the agriculture industry, poultry waste is one of the reasons to worry. Litter like poultry excreta, spilled feed, feathers, dead birds, eggshells, etc., are various types of poultry wastes. This waste if not dumped properly, will cause many health issues to the workers and even cause disease in birds like bird flu. Poultry Incinerators are an ideal solution to reduce the fallen poultry stock. These machines are fully automatic and are operated with the help of electricity. These machines reduce waste to less than 3% of the total waste. These machines sterilize the poultry waste with a high temperature around 600-700 degree Celsius. The duration to destroy the waste is around 20-30 minutes. The machine will ensure zero infection and safety of other birds. 

There are many varieties of poultry incinerators, which have the same working but differ in the waste capacity they can hold at a time. It is the only method which can be used to manage the animal waste sustainably. This method of waste treatment has been adopted by many leading farming organizations in the world. These machines can also be customized. These machines are made up of thick steel body, and multi-layered firebrick lined refractory. This helps the machine to get heat up quickly, even the temperature can be maintained for a longer period of time, and it will keep the heat inside the machine. These machines are reliable and efficient. 

Though these machines are more effective, yet, on the other hand, these machines are very expensive. It is not possible for the small scale industries to make this much investment on the machines. So, some countries are manufacturing small animal incinerator. These are updated design of the incinerators which are cost-effective as well. These machines can be used in slaughterhouse or pet hospital. 

The waste which is produced should be segregated so that it can be easy to treat. Earth is very precious to us. Efforts should be made to keep it clean. Many countries are coming up with new techniques for waste treatment. These should be utilized in such a way that waste is also reduced, and there is no harm to the environment.

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