An overview of the Most Common types of Caravan Repairs


Just like any other vehicle, caravan needs to be maintained to ensure they are in good shape. While maintaining your caravan is an ongoing task, certain jobs that must be left to professionals who are specialised in Mandurah Caravan Repairs. Getting your vehicle serviced by a professional will ensure that the problems are identified early and fixed to prevent further complications. Preventive regular maintenance on your caravan is crucial to keep your family safe and avoid disasters on your next holiday trip.

However, there are also times your caravan will need repairs. Understanding the common types of Mandurah Caravan repairs will give you an idea of what should you look out far and how you need to handle it.

Safety Inspection

A regular check-up and safety inspection are paramount to make sure the vehicle is working in good condition. General maintenance check-up must be done after every 10,000kms or every 12 months. A caravan consists of a lot of components that wear and tear over time, which needs to be repaired or replaced.

Brakes & Wheel Bearings

The brakes and wheel bearings of a Caravan is subjected to most strenuous work during a trip. If the wheel bearings are not maintained properly, it can cause a build-up of heat from friction that may result in wheel alignment failure as they are prone to early wear. Therefore, wheel bearings need to be checked frequently than a car’ wheel bearings.

The brakes should also be regularly maintained to make sure that the brake linings don’t crack which are caused due to overheating. Though brake magnets will last around 50,000kms, you still have to check them to be safe. The Caravan brake repairs must be done immediately to avoid further damages. Manufacturers recommend that you have to service your caravan’s wheel bearings and brakes for every 10,000 km or annually, whichever comes first.


Axles are connected to the wheels of a vehicle, and they are responsible for bearing the weight of your caravan. It needs to be adequately maintained and repaired. Though they are designed to last longer, they can also wear out over time. The manufacturers recommend having the axle serviced every year to check for worn axle joints.


Chassis performs crucial functions, and in fact, it acts as the foundation of the caravan. Chassis failure is caused due to dents, scratches, cracks, chips, and overuse. Chassis repair must be done immediately to prevent damages to other components.

Grey Water Tanks

A grey water tank collects the used water from showering, cooking, and washing the dishes. By having them regularly serviced, you can avoid tank failure and leaks.

The author of this article specialises in Mobile caravan repairs Mandurah, modifications and custom design work, as well as Caravan insurance repairs work including hail, storm and accident damage. Visit for more details.

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