In the business world, there are rules for the exchange of business gifts, it has been formed over a fairly long period of time and today looks very mature and formed. The etiquette of business gifts is, without any exaggeration, an art that needs to be learned.
Every person who prepares a corporate gift should first of all ensure that it does not look like a bribe, for this it is necessary to avoid too large a cost of the souvenir itself.
Handing business gifts is best without long and inappropriate introductory words, but with a brief wish and a kind word. Everything should be in moderation, with sense and arrangement. For the budget corporate gifts this is important.
In what cases the corporate gift will be the most appropriate?
First of all, these are significant dates for the company itself, and it is also entirely appropriate for the gift to be given on public holidays or on the memorable dates of some employees.
When choosing a corporate gift, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements that exist in virtually every enterprise. These restrictions, as a rule, concern properties of gifts, and also their dimensions. You should pay special attention to this, because some gifts may look very stupid and extremely inappropriate.
Quite often, corporate gifts present the symbolism of the company, such gifts are quite suitable for inside the organizational celebration, but not in any way for the presentation in other firms.
Why do we need gifts?
- There are obvious answers: remind yourself, increase loyalty, strengthen partnerships. But that’s not all. With the help of corporate gifts you can:
- Broadcast values and ideas. For example, “we are for the environment”, “we are for innovation”, “our chip is speed”, “it will be comfortable with us”, etc. This is expressed most often in the form of a slogan on the gift. Reflect the promise can and properties of the gift itself.
- Inform customers and partners. This category includes gifts that carry useful information about your company, product or service.
To introduce the new product
There is no better way than giving a try before offering to buy. Run the “virus”. These are gifts that are part of some kind of promotion tool for promotion in social networks. They are photographed and laid out with a hashtag. They are sharpened on huskies and reposts. With their help, your audience is growing. You can go for the under $20 gifts now and find the smartest deal.
You can choose corporate gifts using special catalogs. But, first of all, you should definitely decide for yourself the main task, namely, to determine what exactly you want to demonstrate to the receiving party. In this case, the choice will be made many times easier.
When presenting corporate gifts, the donor’s qualities such as correctness, tact, respectfulness and goodwill are always relevant. A sincere wish will always adorn even the most modest souvenir. Good luck to you and all of your staff.