Ayurvedic Treatment for High BUN to Creatinine Ratio! – Karma Ayurveda

Kidneys are organs that are designed like beans. The kidneys are really very important for filtering out the unwanted fluids, toxins and wastes materials from the body. They moreover help in keeping up an appropriate balance of chemicals and other mixes for blood creation. In case if both of the kidneys get damaged, a person can face high BUN to creatinine ratio – A figure depicting the ratio of two serum laboratory values. In case, the situation doesn’t get appropriate treatment, it can, at last, lead to kidney failure. Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda is the most ideal approach to discard this wellbeing condition in every way that really matters.

What Is BUN to High Creatinine Ratio?

By chance, a kidney specialist will keep a tab on the changes between a person’s BUN and blood creatinine to make a sense of what is influencing these obsessions to be higher than it should be. The increasing change of BUN to creatinine is as per the natural guideline is 10:1 and 20:1. An extended figure may be a direct result of a condition that is forcing a decreasing in the flow of blood to the kidneys, for instance, congestive heart failure or dehydration. It may in like manner be seen with extended protein values. The extent may be reduced with liver disease and the absence of healthy sustenance.

In order to hold any further mischief to the kidneys, it is fundamental to get the contamination examined. Blood or creatinine extent is the kind of end that is used to check how the kidneys can channel the misfortune from the blood. The augmentation in the creatinine level can be caused on account of disease or drying out. Ayurvedic treatment for the high bun to creatinine ratio can help in keeping the authentic proportion normally.

Causes of Higher BUN or Higher Creatinine

  • Some of the most common causes that can lead to kidney failure are –
  • Acute dehydration
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Genetic disorder
  • Physical injury to kidneys
  • Bladder infection

Common Symptoms Visible Due To BUN or Higher Creatinine

The signs and symptoms of this disease are only visible in the later stages of life. Some of the common signs that patient experiences are:

  • Darker and foamy urine
  • Dry and itchy skin
  • Pain in joints and back
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abnormal weight loss and weight gain
  • High blood pressure

The above symptoms can be dangerous if not treated on time as it can lead to further damage.

Diet for Controlling BUN and High Creatinine

The general quality of the kidneys is affected by dietary treatment. It is essential to recall certain guidelines while encircling a masterminded eating schedule:

  • Limit the intake of high protein – Nourishments, for instance, giblets, seafood, spinach, shelled nuts, etc.
  • Vitamin C should be fused into the eating schedule, for instance, cranberry, kiwi, oranges, pomegranate, and strawberries.
  • Consume logically root sustenance, for instance, radish, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, etc as they help in letting down the high blood urea nitrogen
  • A plentiful proportion of water should be consumed up as it helps in discharging the misfortune through urine.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Creatinine

Ayurveda has exhibited suitable in cutting down the high creatinine extent with the use of normal treatment. Ayurvedic medicines and antiquated attempted strategies are valuable in diminishing the reactions of kidney failure. The herbs like Punarnava, Gokshur, Shirish and Shigeru have recovering properties and assistance in dropping down the creatinine and BUN level in the blood. Karma Ayurveda gives the best Ayurvedic treatment for high BUN to creatinine ratio1. It has reestablished a large number of kidney patients with their standard strategies and homegrown medications.

Writer’s Introduction

My health conditions were getting worse day by day. Then my doctor asked me to get BUN to creatinine ratio checked. The ratio was worryingly disturbed. I got to know about Karma Ayurveda from my brother. Dr. Puneet Dhawan helped me to get the authentic ratio back his Ayurvedic Medicine for Creatinine.

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