It is a fact that weight loss cannot be done in a jiffy because it requires a lot of hard work where one has to keep a strict check of their diet and should exercise regularly. Sometimes one’s body is not at par with the diet and exercise regime where you might find yourself searching for various means to lose weight and you might find yourself searching for ‘weight loss balloons near me’ because this recent weight loss procedure has been said to receive a lot of popularity.
It is because of this reason that Triborough GI Gastroenterology has come up with the Reshape Weight Loss Program which is a non-surgical procedure. With ReShape, the doctor will gently insert the balloons through the mouth i.e. endoscopically without any incision or scars. Unlike any other weight loss surgeries, ReShape is not a permanent implant and will not permanently reroute the digestive system of the patients. After the insertion of balloons is completed in 20 minutes, the patient will not require any hospital stay where the patient can get in and out on the way to the weight loss which is the reason why it is considered as the best ReShape weight loss program.
ReShape provides the non-surgical weight loss procedure to its patients where they have the ReShape Dual Balloon System where the weight loss balloons are used to jump-start the weight loss because the dual balloons are placed inside your stomach temporarily so that the patient can feel less hungry and more satiated with smaller portions.
There is 12 months of personalized coaching provided which takes the patient’s schedule, personal needs and habits into consideration and will also help the patient to make the changes so that they can become healthier or become more inclined towards a healthier lifestyle. The patient will also receive a wireless scale and access to an interactive patient portal which is designed to track the weight loss progress activity, consumption of food, and also delivers healthy living articles and recipes in order to keep the patient motivated, through phone app and the desktop.
Through the ReShape dual balloon system, the patients have lost up to 81 pounds within six months. It has been noted that the ReShape patients have lost twice as much weight when compared to diet and exercise alone where most of the patients have reported that they have continued to lose weight even after the balloons were removed.
The patients can get a personalized consultation through Dr Grosman and Dr Brun who provide a thorough overview of the ReShape procedure where they also answer any additional questions and they also help you schedule the balloon insertion procedure. If you think that you will not able to afford the procedure, Triborough GI Gastroenterology also helps you take a loan through United Medical Credit where you can apply for the loan in a hassle-free manner. Triborough GI Gastroenterology will make you believe in weight loss where you will stop searching ‘weight loss balloons near me’.
For more information relating to Reshape Balloon Weight Loss here.