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8 Common MacBook Malfunctions You Need to Know About

Mac laptops are considered among the most reliable computers, offering a considerable length of service with minimal glitches or failures. However, even these usually dependable machines can develop problems that affect their ability to function correctly. A number of these issues are the result of user habits.

Your Mac may become very slow if you go for long periods without turning it off, leaving it on sleep mode instead. If you often eat or drink as you work, particles from food or your favorite drink may slip into the computer’s sensitive innards and cause it to malfunction.

Being mindful of how you handle your computer when, and when not, in use will help you avoid the prospect of failures that may cost you an arm and a leg to repair. Simple practices like regularly restarting your computer, clearing away files that are not in use, and running regular software updates could save you from replacing your computer.

  1. A Black Screen Error and Unresponsiveness

There are times when you go to boot your Mac, and it just stares back blankly at you. Even when you long-press the power button, you may hear the hum of the computer’s central processor. This is sometimes a result of one of those destructive habits; failing to restart your computer every so often. It could also be a result of overworking your computer, that is, running too many programs concurrently. You also cannot rule out the possibility of a virus or DoS attack.

How can you bring your laptop back to life? First, you need to confirm if your Mac is off as it could be that the screen has gone blank, but the processor is still running in the background. You can verify this by listening for the humming sound your computer produces when running. Pressing the caps lock button, to see if its light will come on, is another way of making that confirmation. Once you confirm this, perform a hard reboot.

  1. Your Computer Won’t Turn On

A hard reboot may also solve this problem. Try holding down the power button for a few seconds until the humming stops and then pressing it again. Disconnecting all external devices from the laptop and restarting it may also work.

  1. The Battery Won’t Charge

When this problem crops up, it may be a sign that your battery is due for replacement. Or it could only be that it is not getting charged when connected to a power source. Your battery not charging could be a sign that its charging cable or adapter is not functioning correctly. It could even be an issue with the power outlet connected to your adapter. Try using a different adapter if you have one at home, or try connecting it to a different wall socket.

  1. The Battery Drains Quickly

If you notice that your battery life seems shorter (the laptop needs to be plugged into a power source more frequently) than usual, you can resolve this issue at home by applying either of the following steps. Click on the battery icon on the top right of your screen to view running applications that are consuming the most amount of power. Kill some of these apps or restart the computer altogether. The second option is to check for any software updates and install them. You can find this by clicking on the Software Update icon in the System Preferences menu.

  1. Your Computer Overheats

Your laptop overheating could be a sign that there are hidden apps running in the background consuming abnormal amounts of processing power. You can find such apps by going to the Activity Monitor in Utilities, which is in the Go menu of your Finder. If yours is one of the newer Macbook Air models, you can run Apple Diagnostics to root out the problem. Note down the error code and follow the prescribed course of action.

  1. Audio and Video Stop Working

You can cure non-functional audio or video by installing the latest Mac OS update available. You can do this by going to Software Update in your System Preferences.

  1. Apps Stop Responding

When apps stop responding as normal, this could be as a result of a cache issue. You can try to restart the app by right-clicking on the app’s icon on the dock and selecting the ‘Quit’ option. You can then try to relaunch the app and see if it works. The app could also need an update. In this case, locate the app in the App Store and see if an update is available.

  1. The Laptop Won’t Connect to the Internet

If you have been using a Wi-Fi connection on your Mac and now can’t connect, you may need to refresh the connection. Click on the Wi-Fi icon at the top right of your screen and hit Open Network Preferences. Click on the Advanced button on the bottom of the window. Select your Wi-Fi network from the list that appears and remove it from the list. Click the Wi-Fi icon to scan for networks and reconnect.

When Is it Time to Call a Repair Service?

Remedying common Macb problems can be as simple as running an update or force-quitting an app. But if you have done all you can to troubleshoot a problem and it persists, it could be time to call in the experts. If your computer is overheating, producing an abnormal noise, or shows no signs of life, you may need to contact your nearest MacBook repair service center.

Giving Your Mac a Little TLC

Prevention is always better and cheaper than cure. Keep your Mac clean, give it time to cool down completely, and run regular system updates. Then it will serve you faithfully for years to come.

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