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5 Ways to Boost Productivity (And Workplace Happiness) Through Better Communication

5 Ways to Boost Productivity (And Workplace Happiness) Through Better Communication

There aren’t many things that go hand in hand in the business world. Internal communication and productivity are one of those things. Employees are more efficient and perform better when they communicate clearly and directly with others. Thanks to their productivity, the organization makes breakthroughs in global markets and reaps greater profit. Meanwhile, bad communication among employees leads to loss of clients and customers, incomplete projects, and low profit. If you are interested in knowing how to enhance productivity through communication, continue reading.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Effective and clear communication improves many other corporate aspects. Teamwork and collaboration are just some of them. Regular contact and interaction not only bring staff members together but also make them work more efficiently. Additionally, transparent communication reduces the possibility of conflicts between team members and misunderstandings between departments. For example, if the marketing and sales departments always butt heads, then you should do something about it.

Connect the two departments, as well as all the others, through an intranet, and open the doors to clear communication. Also, you can arrange weekly meetings for these departments, so they can directly discuss their current projects and progress. Keeping an open communication line between them boosts their efficiency gives direct access to information. Moreover, it reduces any hostility between the two teams and creates a friendlier work atmosphere.

Friendly Work Atmosphere 

Most employees dread having to go to work every day. All the more so if they don’t get along with their coworkers or the work atmosphere is oppressive. If this is the case with your company, it is high time you do something about it. Ask yourself how you can make the atmosphere and workplace livelier, friendlier, and more attractive workplace. 

Try to encourage employees to interact and build a friendship based on mutual respect and support. The more they get to know each other the more understanding and amicable they become. By communicating and understanding one another they resolve all conflicts that prevent them from working together. As a result, the atmosphere changes into a positive one in which employees can produce their best work.


The easiest way to improve employee performance is by increasing accountability in the workplace. This should be done on all organizational levels, from remote employees to management and employers. When you increase accountability, employees try harder to complete all their duties and responsibilities on time. Moreover, they are more diligent, precise, conscientious, and thorough when it comes to their work.  Furthermore, they go over their work a few times just to make sure it aligns with the provided instructions and quality standards.

To enforce this rule, all you have to do is organize daily check-ins with the team. This way, you keep everyone updated and on the same page. Every team member knows exactly what they and their coworkers are working on at any given time.  Therefore, employees can jump in and help each other complete their tasks and contribute to achieving greater business goals.

Problem Solutions

Every business undergoes difficulties and faces challenges at some point. The way your business handles difficult situations and the crisis has a say in whether or not it will be successful and profitable. If communication is your employees’ strong suit, then you have to worry about nothing. When you suffer a crisis, employees will weather it courageously without any major consequences. If this is not the case with your internal communications, then you have something to be worried about. Your employees won’t be able to find the solution and get through the difficulty unscathed. For this reason, encourage employees to stop being shy and reserved and ask the managers or coworkers for help. That is how they learn and grow, so they can produce better results or come up with effective solutions next time around.

Mistakes and Misunderstandings

Strong communicative skills in combination with employee efficiency minimalize any chances of mistakes and misunderstandings in the workplace. Now, this doesn’t mean your business will be a complete mistake-free zone. They are bound to happen only to a much lesser amount than usual. Thanks to effective internal communication, every member of your staff knows what they have to do. They don’t have to guess or make assumptions. For that reason, their work will be nothing but flawless.

For example, a customer service agent has to complete the client’s order. For them to exceed the client’s expectations, they need to be well informed of their requirements. If some other agent took the order without writing down the right pieces of information, the situation might end in a misunderstanding. Neither the customer, not the employee will be satisfied. If the team communicates as well as they are supposed to, then mistakes and misunderstandings will rarely occur.

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